12. DG Visit the 9th, RC of Bali Seminyak 12.00 – 14.00 - 30 July 2024

RC of Bali Seminyak visit Located at the meeting room of Trans Hotel, Seminyak.  The meeting started with fellowship followed by lunch. This time, I was accompanied by my lovely DDG Agung Purnamawati, our DGN Wayan Tur, my powerful District Secretary PP Putu Indra and also my fantastic AG Sarita.  Full team to support this DG vist.


I have been quite a regular attendee to lots of events/meeting of this Club, and it always pleasant to come and meet all rotarian from this club.  What so unique about this Club is that they always have lots of guests during their meeting. This clubs representing the “international fellowship” since the guests would come from lots of different part of the world. They either holiday makers or friends/relatives of existing members.


President Indra with her charm opened the meeting, presenting the boards and giving updates of past projects and plan for this year. I am happy that President Indra, despite being “relatively” new rotarian, with her positive attitude and willingness to learn about our organization, I believe she will do well during her presidency.


RC of Bali Seminyak always have a raffles as a small fund raising activity, I think this is a good practice of doing small donation for the Club. Whoever wins the prize, must bring something to be raffled next time. I remember they use to have “happy dollar’ fund raising activity.. meaning who ever has good story to tell or celebration, give “dollar” donation to the Club.  Sargeant At Arms (SAA) will normally manage this type of program.


Another longstanding fundraising activity perfomed by Rtn Detlev & his lovely wife by inviting rotarian and friends to have lunch at their place for “whatever donation’ to support the Club. What a great idea ya. Other clubs might want to copy some of their fundraising activity.  Lot’s of fun activities.  


Another admiring practice by this club is financial transparency.  The financial report has been presented in a simple yet informative and effective way. This kind of transparency makes all members aware of the use of all the fund.  My apology for not remembering the name of the treasurer. His presentation is superb. I want to borrow his brainJ


Being an expat club, RC of Bali Seminyak got lots of advantage of international networks, resulting either Club to Club funded project or Global Grant project with International sponsors.  Cleft lips operation has always been a dear project to RC of Bali Seminyak, along with other projects. Recently, together with RC Bali Taman and Bali Kuta, they renovated a rundown cremation place. On top of all the projects, RC Bali Seminyak just got an approval of Global Grant project for protecting the environment program.


During my speech, I mentioned RCBS is a vibrant club and has all potential to become even more vibrant and would love to see RC of Bali Seminyak adding more members and perhaps becoming a  big club again. In term of TRF, RCBS has always been a great support by doing EREY as well as PHF program. I am looking forward to have more of RCBS members contributing to the TRF.


I would love to see more collaboration of RCBS with other clubs in Bali and other communities. And I believe with senior leaders in this club such as PP Patrick Van Kampen, AG Sarita Kaul and PP Anica Lococo, more collaboration, massive action and consistent service project  can be created for a much bigger impact of our action. That’s where we are heading for.


Meeting adjourned at 2pm.

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